List of Banned Pesticide in Myanmar, Update List approved by notification number 1/2013 of Pesticide Registration Board, 17th June,2013
No. Active Ingredient Reason
1. Aldicarb PIC List
2. Alachlor PIC List
3. Alpha Hexachlorocyclohexane POP List
4. Arsenic Compound Carcinogenicity
5. Binapacryl PIC List
6. Chlordecone POP List
7. Chlorobenzilate PIC List
8. DNOC PIC List
9. Ethylene Dichloride PIC List
10. Endosulfan POP List
11.  Ethylene Oxide PIC List
12. Fluoroacetamide PIC List
13. Heptachlor POP List
14. Lindane(Gama Hexachlorocyclohexane) POP List
15. Methomyl Cholinesterase inhibitor, Acute Toxicity in Human
16. Methamidophos PIC List
17. Methyl Parathion PIC List
18. Monocrotophos PIC List
19. Mirex POP List
20. Pentachlorophenol (PCP) PIC List
21. Phosphamidon PIC List
22. Tributylin Compound PIC List
23. Aldrin PIC List
24. Beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane (BHC) PIC List
25. Captafol PIC List
26. Chlordimeform PIC List
27. Chlordane PIC List
28. Cyhexatine PIC List
29. Dieldrin PIC List
30.  Dinoseb PIC List
31. Ethylene Dibromide(EDB) PIC List
32. Endrin Oncogenisity
33. EPN Neurotoxicity
34. Inorganic Mercury Compounds PIC List
35. Organic Mercury Compounds PIC List
36. Parathion Ethyl PIC List
37. Strobane Oncogenecity
38. 2,4,5 – T and 2,4,5-TP PIC List
39. Toxaphene Oncogenecity
List of restricted pesticides in Myanmar
No. Pesticide Remarks
1. Methyl Bomide Fumigant to be handled only by CPA holders
2. Phosphine Fumigant to be handled only by CPA holders
3. Bromadiolone Highly toxic to be handled only by certified applicator
4. Zinc Phosphide Intensely poisonous to mammals to be handled only by CPA
5. Brodifacoum Fumigant to be handled only by certified applicator
6. Fenthion Restricted to vector control
7. DDT Restricted to vector control for malaria